Multifamily Social Media Summit Recap: Vlog Edition with Barbara & Marci


✈️ Taking You Along for the Social Media Summit Ride and Napa Adventures!

Hey there, friends!

Barbara here, and boy, do I wish you could've tagged along with us to the recent Multifamily Social Media Summit presented by Esteem Media.

Since we couldn’t pack you in our suitcases, we decided the next best thing was to bring the experience to you through this blog. Despite battling a post-California cold, the excitement of sharing this journey with you has me on cloud nine. 🍇

First Stops and First Impressions:

  • Our adventure began with Marci and me heading to the summit, eager to soak in all the knowledge (and maybe a bit of Napa wine 🍷) to share with you.

  • Our first night in Yountsville was unexpected but delightful. We had dinner at Thomas Keller’s Bouchon which was a real treat - crusty bread, good wine, and delicious steak frites.

  • A morning hike in Napa with friends kicked off the event memorably, complete with wild turkey sightings and a group shot to capture the moment.

Conference Chronicles:

  • From podcast episodes right at the summit to sharing our top takeaways from each session, we made sure no grapevine wisdom was left unexplored.

  • Highlights included:

    • Erica Byrum’s of deep dive into scaling social media with pet-friendly content and repurposing strategies.

    • Insights into Gen Z’s preferences for authenticity, user-generated content's power, and TikTok's continued appeal.

    • Jay Acunzo's keynote on storytelling and creating connections through impactful content rather than just pushing sales.

    • Priyanka Agarwal’s actionable tips on personal connections, knowing your residents (and their pets) by name, and small gestures that make a big impact.


This is just a TASTE of what’s included in our FREE Membership. Sign up for free HERE and grab this social media posting planner and more.

Experiencing Napa to the Fullest:

  • Our "sisters on the loose" escapade included vineyard visits, exquisite dining experiences, and yes, a much-needed massage redemption. 🌿

  • 🚨 Despite a scary moment at a gas station near the Oakland airport, our spirits remained unshaken, choosing to focus on the positives of our trip and the importance of awareness and safety.

Why This Trip Matters:

  • Aside from the fun and the slight scare, this trip was about more than just attending a conference. It was a testament to the power of community, the joy of learning, and the bonds forged through shared experiences.

  • We returned home inspired, filled with new ideas to bring to you, and even more convinced of the incredible impact personal connections and authentic storytelling have in our digital age.

Your Part in Our Journey:

  • Hearing from those who’ve benefited from our work, like the amazing feedback we received, fuels our passion and dedication to making a difference in the multifamily marketing world.

This adventure was a rollercoaster of learning, laughter, and a little bit of adrenaline. But most importantly, it was a reminder of the beauty of connection—both in the digital realm and the tangible world around us. 🌍💖

If you loved this style of sharing, let us know! We’re all about bringing you along on our adventures and insights in the most engaging ways possible.

Catch you on the next adventure,

Barbara & Marci

Multifamily Marketing Retention Podcast Hosts