Fall Office Makeover

Make your community a place to remember by appealing to the five senses and sell your community for the season.

Sight. Smell. Taste. Feel. Sound.

Our senses help us to perceive our environment, are essential for the enjoyment of many experiences, and since they are closely connected to our emotions and memories, they can really impact how we feel.

Here’s how to appeal to ALL five senses at your community with a fall office make-over.

Fall Office Signs & Notices for Apartments


Have a fall display right by the entrance of the community or to the leasing office.

Attach a fall “take a seat” flyer to your clipboard to acknowledge visitors and tell them you'll be with them shortly.

Have snacks like these apple chips or a drink station to make them comfortable.

Add your brochure, community booklet, or video on the TV so they can get to know your community while they wait.

Fall Leasing Office Decoration Makeover Idea

Sprout Members >>> Click HERE to Sign In to Grab and Customize These Flyers

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Use a diffuser and essential oil blends to make your community smell like fall.

Put your diffuser closer to the entrance of your community, office, or model so they get the vibes when they walk in.

Do NOT go overboard. Start with a 1-3 drops then wait 15 minutes before you add more. You want it to be subtle.

If you like to mix your own blends, click here for some inspiration.


Sight, Smell, And Taste All In One:

Pumpkin-spice up your community with a fall-themed coffee bar. For those that already have a coffee bar established, simply add the fall decor and flavors to kick it up a notch.

If you are a community with little to no amenities, you can create this amenity easily just by carving out some table space for a coffee maker and a few extras. Use the fall season to bring more value to your residents!

Your Amazon Shopping List:

Pumpkin Decor

Fall Leaves Garland

Fall Cups

Pumpkin Spice Syrup

Salted Caramel Syrup

Caramel & Chocolate Sauce

Pumpkin Pie Spice

Cinnamon Spice

*Amazon affiliate links included



Have a basket of post-tour treats so they can actually taste the sweet benefits of choosing your community as their home.

Mix and match the flyers and the goodies. Remember, our membership flyers can be customized in Canva.

Your Amazon Shopping List:

Fall Resident Appreciation Gift Ideas

Sprout Members >>> Click HERE to Sign In to Grab and Customize These Flyers


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We focus on giving you easy, organic marketing that you can implement on any budget and time constraint. Whether you’re looking for outreach marketing, resident retention, resident communication, social media, or professional development - we have a membership to fit your needs.



E-Book: 25 Resident Event Ideas

* indicates required

"You Belong Here" Accent Pillow


Add cozy touches like pillows and blankets to make any seating area feel like home.

Use solid-colored accents in fall color palettes in a variety of textures.

Pro Tip: Make sure everything is machine washable.

Your Amazon Shopping List:



Nothing is better than a great Fall playlist! Use music or nature sounds to bring the season inside your community.

Here’s some of our fav playlists on Spotify:

You could also try an Instrumental playlist:

Bring in nature sounds with this playlist:

Fall Playlist for Apartment Community Leasing Office


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12 Resident Event Ideas for September: The Perfect Fall Kickoff


Resident Event Ideas Perfect for Fall