Creating A Caring And Mentally Healthy Workplace


If you don’t think that our next webinar with Amy Kosnikowski Dilisio is something that you need to listen to then you NEED to read these next few lines. 

This is the reality of mental health around us:

  • 1 in 5 Americans have a mental illness according to the NAMI

  • 20% of have an anxiety disorder according the the NAMI

  • Less than one third of people in America with mental illness get the treatment they need according to the American Journal of Psychiatry

  • 65% of employees state their job is the #1 stressor in their life according to Neilsen

  • 40% of employees feel their job gets in their way of their health according to the American Heart Association

  • 50% of employees want their company to help them with job stress and improve mental wellbeing according to the American Heart Association


Yes, you read all that right!

If those statistics don’t get your attention, I don’t know what will. These stats show the need for managers, leaders, and companies as a whole to have training in how to create a caring and mentally healthy workplace, which is exactly what Amy Kosnikowski Dilisio will teach you in this webinar

Amy will go more into the background of why mental health is something that you need to care about, as well as how to lead the way for change in your company through empowering your employees with the proper tools and outlets. 

Throughout the webinar, Amy will give you 5 ways for you to cultivate an environment in your company that allows for the best of everyone to shine through, while also accepting areas that may need a helping hand sometimes. 

The best thing about this webinar with Amy? After each of the 5 tips she gives you, she lists out some practical and actionable steps you can take to put them into action. Which if you know Sprout, you know we love all things actionable! 

You’ll leave this webinar feeling all kinds of positive. First and foremost, you’ll feel encouraged yourself. We’ve all heard the saying “you can’t pour from an empty glass”, but this saying rings so true when it comes to helping your employees with their mental health. Take care of yourself, boo! You’ll also feel encouraged to start implementing some of the practices that Amy lists out. You’ll also feel more capable to support your employees in their mental health journey. 

After attending this webinar, there’s no doubt you’ll be able to go back to work refreshed and ready to support your employees to live their best, mentally healthy life. 


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