Lease It Like It's Hot: Webinar Sneak Peak

Let’s face it, there’s sometimes where leases are far and few between. It can feel like ‘frustrating’ isn’t even the right word to describe it. While those moments may come, we don’t have to accept the lag in leases as “normal”. We can combat the ‘leasing block’! 

your Free cure for Leasing Block is right here!

In our free webinar, Lease It Like It’s Hot, that we’re hosting next week on August 20th, our CEO Barbara Savona is going to give you 2 secrets to getting more leases immediately. There really couldn’t be a better time for this training either because those slower fall and winter months are coming quickly. (Even if this heat makes it feel like it’s never going to end!) 

What we love about this free training is that it revolves around mastering just 2 secrets and once you have those down, you’re golden! It doesn’t require a complete rehaul of your team, or marketing plan. As Barbara will elaborate on in the webinar, you only have to be willing to shift your mindset in 2 ways to see a definite change in your leasing game. 

When it comes to getting more leases most people look at it as a matter of marketing and sales. This old way of looking at leasing is what causes these ‘leasing blocks’ that we so despise. With the new approach Barbara will be teaching you, you’ll learn that just a subtle switch in how you think of these two aspects will dramatically change your approach to getting more leases.

Why should I change my Mindset? 

When things just aren’t working, something has to give as the old saying goes. These 2 secrets are just small tweaks you can make to have a big impact. In the Lease It Like It’s Hot webinar Barbara Savona will break down these two mindset changes and give you real life examples of how to put the into place. The Sprout method is always focusing on how little, everyday steps in the right direction can and will lead to positive results, and that’s why we love this webinar and how well it demonstrates that results that method can bring.

This is a FREE webinar, that is essentially FREE training for you and your team that we promise is worth your time. Register to join us on August 20th at either 11:00AM or 1:00PM, whichever fits your schedule. Be the most prepared property this fall/winter season and meet alllllll the leasing goals! 


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