Thriving in Property Management: 6 Top Wellness Strategies & Expert Experiences
The Balancing Act: From Navigating Wellness in Multifamily
Today in all industries, the weight of responsibilities often leaves individuals feeling burnt out. The multifamily sector is no stranger to the overwhelming pressures that can lead to exhaustion. In the world of multifamily housing, YOU are the best pro at taking care of other people's homes, making sure everything runs smoothly, and keeping outside spaces in tip-top shape. We applaud you for all you do for your communities. It’s not easy.
But here's the twist – sometimes when it comes to our own homes- our minds and bodies, we can often admit it's the first thing to get neglected. We forget to do the same for our own well-being. This realization shifts our focus to the importance of self-care, and we'll dive into some practical tips on finding a balance between excelling at work and taking care of yourself in the multifamily hustle.
Your Multifamily Mix host, Barbara, is an FMCA graduate, completing a 12-month training program to become a certified Functional Medicine Health Coach. FMCA, in partnership with the Institute for Functional Medicine, uniquely integrates Functional Medicine and Nutrition into its curriculum. Trained health coaches, like me, Barbara, use Functional Medicine, Nutrition, Mind-Body Medicine, and Positive Psychology Coaching to guide patients to optimal wellness.
“When we think about that analogy of how we maintain communities, we could really apply that today to how we maintain our own wellness.”
Episode Overview:
[00:49] Discussing Personal Habits and Wellness
[01:45] Wellness in Property Management
[03:20] Testimonials and Success Stories
[03:58] Six Tips for Wellness
[13:20] Pep Talk and Encouragement
[15:12] Interview with Alan Lee
[17:49] Challenges in Property Management
[27:45] Bridging the Gap between Corporate and Onsite Teams
[30:38] Finding Joy in the Job
[34:36] Conclusion and Farewell
Six Ways to Incorporate Wellness Into Your Routine as a Multifamily Pro
Pillow Chat
Don’t worry, it’s nothing scandalous. Set a goal to start with the end in mind. In the morning, envision how you want your day to unfold before your head hits the pillow at night. Reverse engineer the day in a way that allows you to set intentions and navigate potential stressors. Implementing this practice can help you to prioritize tasks, and maintain a positive mindset.
Fueling Yourself Well
Imagine treating your body like a high-performance car. You wouldn’t dream of using anything less than the best fuel for your car, right? It’s time we apply the same principle to ourselves! Experiment with different meals, and see how certain foods affect your energy and aspects of your day.
The Big Three: Setting Daily Intentions
Do you ever have those days where you’re busy all day, but don’t feel like you actually accomplished anything? It can be frustrating and lead to feeling stressed. Instead, focus daily on three key tasks that align with your professional goals. By identifying and accomplishing these tasks first, property managers can feel a sense of accomplishment and progress even in the face of daily chaos. This intentional approach helps maintain focus and productivity. The daily journal I use is the Michael Hyatt Full Focus Planner. It helps me define my big three and regularly evaluate how I’m doing.
Movement Breaks
Did you know there's a magic number for taking breaks? Yep, every 52 minutes! It's like a secret productivity hack. So, why not mix it up with some quick moves? Take a stroll, do a few jumping jacks, or even some squats. And for you busy property managers out there, this is your chance to kill two birds with one stone. Check out those amenities or do a quick property walk-through. Want to learn more about the study? Read it here.
My favorite treadmill?
I have this at the office and this one at home in front of the TV at home. The one at home slides right under my couch. These are both budget-friendly options. What can I say? Walking is a priority for me!
Building Strong Relationships
A Harvard study found that the quality of relationships is a powerful predictor of happiness. Foster connections with colleagues, take breaks for social lunches and have a designated friend for emotional support. Strengthening these bonds can significantly impact overall well-being.
Go-to Happy List: Prioritizing Joy
Create a "Go-To Happy List" – a collection of activities that brings joy and requires minimal time and effort. Whether it's a short walk, a favorite song, or a quick chat with a friend, having a list of readily accessible happiness boosters allows you to combat stress and negativity effectively.
Barbara’s Pep Talk of the Week:
Hey friend, you’re amazing at taking care of others, so extend that yourself, because you deserve it! Think about the better version of yourself and all the things that you can do and all the people you can impact when you feel good. Focus on just one thing for the next 30 days and start to feel changes that you’ll want to keep going. You’ve done tough things before, so just remember that it's inside of you and pull from that.
Connect with Alan Lee on LinkedIn HERE
Here from the Frontlines: Alan Lee, Property Manager with GHAN and Cooper
In this engaging episode, Alan Lee gives us a candid glimpse into his 18 years in property management. He shares his unique journey, blending personal insights with professional wisdom. Alan's authentic storytelling and practical advice make this a must-listen for anyone in the industry. Follow him on LinkedIn here.
Highlights include:
From Acting to Property Management: How Alan's background in acting enriches his approach to managing properties.
Tackling Challenges: Insights into overcoming high expectations and the complexities of project turnarounds.
Balancing Personal and Professional Life: Alan's perspective on separating personal success from professional achievements.
Empathy Between Teams: The importance of empathy in bridging the gap between corporate and onsite teams.
Staying Focused Amidst Distractions: Strategies for managing distractions and prioritizing tasks in a demanding role.
“Empathy is key. Often, we get so caught up in our tasks that we forget to understand what others are going through. Remembering to be empathetic, especially when it feels like just another report or request, can bridge gaps and strengthen our teams. It’s about communication, listening, and recognizing each other’s challenges.”
Don't miss Alan’s insights into these topics and more, offering valuable insights and perspectives on the property management industry. We’ll leave you with one:
“Your personal and professional success are not tethered… Stop thinking about it in the same brain. Compartmentalize it a little bit more.”
Connect with Alan Lee on LinkedIn
Learn about Ghan and Cooper.