Review My Notes With Me: Takeaways From NAA Apartmentalize

Enhancing Resident Experience with Personalized Marketing Strategies

At the heart of successful multifamily marketing lies the ability to tailor strategies that resonate deeply with residents. We’re bringing you our takeaways from the NAA Apartmentalize conference, straight from Barbara’s notes!

We’re highlighting key insights and innovative approaches that can transform how property managers engage with their communities. From hyper-localized content creation to leveraging unique community features, you’ll be inspired to enhance resident satisfaction and drive meaningful engagement with small, actionable steps.


00:00 Introduction to the Multifamily Mix

00:24 Highlights from the National Apartment Association's Conference

01:06 Upcoming Podcast Break and Staying Connected

02:31 Marketing Insights and Strategies

07:13 Engaging Residents and Enhancing Community Experience

19:41 Leveraging Technology and Grassroots Marketing

23:50 Conclusion and Membership Invitation


Hyper-Localized Content: Bringing Authenticity to Your Marketing

During a session led by Josh Dron of Widener, the focus was on the power of hyper-localized content in multifamily marketing. The idea was simple yet profound: replace generic stock photos with images that authentically represent the local community. By conducting regular photo shoots in the local area, property managers can create marketing materials that feel personalized and relatable. This approach not only enhances brand authenticity but also strengthens community ties.

Actionable Takeaways:

  • Schedule Regular Photo Shoots: Plan quarterly or biannual photo shoots in local areas to capture authentic images of your community.

  • Use Employee Input: Utilize employees who live in the community to showcase their favorite local spots

  • Highlight Local Features: Showcase unique local landmarks and features in your marketing materials to resonate with potential residents.


Tailored Marketing Strategies for Unique Properties

If you’ve been around the Sprout community for a while, you know there’s no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to marketing. This is why we were so validated when one session at NAA emphasized the importance of tailoring marketing strategies to each community's unique attributes. Recognizing that not all properties are alike, property managers were encouraged to define clear Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and develop customized marketing plans that align with the community's distinct identity.

Actionable Takeaways:

  • Define Clear KPIs: Identify specific metrics for success that align with the unique characteristics of each property.

  • Adopt Flexible Marketing Approaches: Avoid a one-size-fits-all approach and tailor marketing efforts to highlight the unique aspects of each community.

  • Evaluate Quarterly: Regularly assess the effectiveness of marketing strategies and adjust tactics based on performance metrics and resident feedback.



Join our FREE membership and each month you’ll get a sample of what our full membership has to offer:

  • Printable Monthly Calendar Pack

  • Editable Seasonal Designs 

    • Resident Event 

    • Renewal 

    • Outreach Marketing & More

  • Social Media Captions & Graphics 

  • + Some of Our Fav Training Resources

We guarantee it’ll save you time, make your life easier, and make you look GOOD at work.


Harnessing the Power of Authentic Reviews

We know reviews are king, so the session “Negative Reviews: Why Every Online Story Needs a Villian” immediately caught our eye. Did you know there’s a minimum number of stars that communities typically need before a resident will consider living there? Well now you do! And it’s 3.82. The speakers emphasized that potential residents heavily rely on detailed and authentic reviews when evaluating properties. It’s never been more important to leverage enthusiastic residents to share genuine experiences to significantly enhance a property's online reputation and attract new renters.

Actionable Takeaways:

  • Encourage Detailed Reviews: Identify residents who are vocal advocates and ask them to write detailed reviews highlighting their positive experiences.

  • Request Reviews Strategically: Approach residents who regularly express satisfaction to share their thoughts online, enhancing credibility.

  • Respond Promptly: Address both positive and negative reviews promptly and professionally to demonstrate proactive management.


Marketing Strategies and Lessons From E-Commerce

You knowwww when we saw a session titled “Confessions of a Shopaholic” we had to go! Thankfully it did not disappoint! This session was all about taking the successful strategies from the e-commerce world and leveraging them in multifamily. From Chewy to Old Navy, the speakers brought encouraging marketing strategies that got our creative juices flowing. 

  • Create a Personalized Resident Journey: Much like how Chewy personalizes and surprises its members, take the extra step to make the residents’ experience more personalized. 

  • Craft a Can’t-Miss Resident Experience: Promote exclusive giveaways for those who attend your resident events or let residents to showcase their new home with an ‘apartment unboxing’. 

  • Make Moving In Easy: Apps are great, but have all your FAQs and how-to guides in one easy location for your residents.


Sprout Special - Grassroots Marketing 

With all the flashy AI tools that are out there these days, people are surprised when they see marketing with a human touch. Some of the best grassroots marketing is done when you meet people where they least expect it. The Sprout Team took these two ideas and decided to do something a little quirky for NAA.

We printed flyers (like, a lot) and put them in every bathroom stall we could find, by water fountains, and out in front of the venue. We had so many people come to our booth saying that they saw the flyers and had to come see what the booth was about. And even better… so many great conversations and connections were made because those flyers caught someone's attention. 

Here’s a look at our flyers. Simple, easy, and effective!

Here’s an amazing testimonial we got from one of our Sprout Members we saw at the show!
(Hey Amanda!!)


By implementing these insights and actionable strategies, property managers can elevate their marketing efforts, foster stronger resident relationships, and ultimately drive occupancy rates higher. As the multifamily industry continues to evolve, staying attuned to these innovative approaches will be crucial for staying competitive and meeting the evolving needs of residents.


We have 3 membership opportunities to fit your needs:

  • All-Access (The Swiss army knife - you get everything!)

  • Resident Retention (Goodbye $7,600 turnover cost)

  • Simply Social (Social Media made super easy)

In our full membership, you’ll find a fresh selection of pre-designed marketing and retention flyers & digital graphics every single month.


(Psst - The Canva account is free!)


July Resident Event Ideas Your Residents Will Want to Attend This Summer