A Year in the Life of Emily: How To Create Touch Points That Increase Resident Renewals

In today’s rental climate, focusing on resident retention has never been more crucial.

Residents have so many options, vacancies are sitting longer, new developments are busting out all the stops (making competition fierce), and you’re still required to meet those occupancy goals. 🫠

And let’s face it…resident turnover is a pain in the you know what!

It costs us time and money and leaves you feeling like you’re just spinning your wheels. You get one in the door while one is packing the U-Haul and hitting the road. (Hello, stress you didn’t want or need.)

When we’re faced with turnover we can either hustle to find new residents with flashy move-in offers, or we can double down on creating meaningful connections with the residents who already call our community home.

We’re a fan of the latter. Here’s why >>>

Small touch-points can make a big impact.

Everyone’s always talking about go big or going home. Our motto: When in doubt, go small. (btw - What’s so wrong with going home? It’s cozy there, and you can wear PJs with no judgment.)

These seemingly minor interactions add up, creating a community where residents feel valued and appreciated. This leads to higher satisfaction, stronger community bonds, and, ultimately, more lease renewals.

It also means less hustling to get new residents, turning units and trying to balance all the other tasks assigned to you.

Let’s get real for a minute: how can already overworked onsite teams focus on these meaningful interactions when resources are limited? 🤔

You can snag the Sprout membership for less than what you'd spend filling your gas tank. Imagine improving your resident interactions, and reducing resident turnover, all without draining your wallet. 🤯

Here’s how the Sprout Membership can make a valuable impact in a resident’s life in just one year. >>>

A Year in the Life of Emily:
A Resident at Green Acres Apartments

👋 Let’s meet Emily, a resident that lives at a community that utilizes the Sprout Resident Retention Membership.

Age: 32

Status: Single and loving it 💁🏻‍♀️

Passions: Running and eating healthy 🏃‍♀️🥗

Career: Marketing specialist at a bustling agency 💼✨

Quick Lifestyle & Hobby Facts:

  • Early morning runs through the park

  • Experimenting with nutritious recipes

  • Obsessed with her pup, Cheeto

  • Balancing a busy work schedule with creativity and strategy

  • Connecting with neighbors and joining community events

  • Ending the day with yoga and her favorite shows (Guilty Pleasure: Love Island… You know you’ve gotten sucked into that show too. Don’t lie.)

Here’s how the Sprout Resident Retention Membership helps her make the decision to renew her lease at Green Acres Apartments.

Month 1 – Warm Welcome

Emily moves into her new apartment and is pleasantly surprised to find a personalized welcome package waiting for her. In the welcome package, she finds:

  • Welcome Note: A handwritten welcome note from the property manager.

  • Thoughtful Gift: A cute and thoughtful gift left on her kitchen counter as a surprise.

>> Impact: Emily feels welcomed and valued from the start, setting a positive tone for her lease. She’s so excited, that she shares a picture of the gift on her social media and tags Green Acres Apartments.

Sprout Welcome Gift Design:
You Are Our Sunshine

Bring this summer appreciation gift to life with:

Month 2 – Pet-Friendly Event

Emily (and Cheeto) receives an invite to a grab-n-go event for pet owners. The invite is fun and colorful and promises a photo booth, a goodie bag for the pets, and opportunities to socialize with other residents and pets.

At the event, Emily and Cheeto are blown away by the thoughtful and fun decor the office staff set up. They both have a great time meeting new people, snacking, and taking photos.

>> Impact: This thoughtful event makes Emily feel like the community appreciates and supports what’s important to her – her pup, Cheeto! She loves the photos she was able to take at the event, so she posts those and Cheeto’s new goodies to her social media.

Month 3 – Maintenance Notice

Emily gets a clear and friendly notice about renovations in progress via email and on the resident portal. Here’s what Emily appreciates about this notice.

  • Informative Notice: The notice explains the schedule and what to expect. 

  • Professional Communication: Delivered in a way that reassures Emily that any disruptions will be minimal.

  • Fun Design: As a marketing professional, Emily appreciates when even the most mundane communication is presented nicely.

>> Impact: Timely and professional communication builds trust and reduces any potential frustration. Knowing that she can contact the office with any questions, Emily feels she is in good hands.

Full notice packs are provided monthly through the Sprout Membership.

Month 4 – Monthly Community Calendar with Event Updates

Emily loves receiving the monthly calendar with all the upcoming events. She loves to look ahead and see which events spark her interest so she can add them to her calendar.

  • Event Schedule: A beautifully designed calendar listing all community events gives Emily a lot to look forward to.

  • Planning Ahead: The monthly calendar helps Emily plan her participation in activities she’s interested in.

>> Impact: Knowing what's coming up keeps Emily engaged and excited about community events. Even if she can’t make all the events, she loves knowing she lives at such a cool place that plans unique activities for it’s residents.

The Resident Retention Membership gives you 12 resident event ideas every single month. Sign up here!

Month 5 – Fun Social Media Tips & Engagement

Emily notices that the community’s social media is buzzing with great tips and engaging content so she starts following them. Here’s what she sees on the community’s page this week:

  • Fun, Informative Posts: She learns what plants can grow best in her apartment and about 2 local coffee shops within walking distance of the community.

  • Interactive Community: Seeing other residents interacting with the community’s social media encourages Emily to engage as well.

>> Impact: Active and engaging social media presence keeps residents informed and connected.

Month 6 – Funny Reminder to Pick Up After Pets

Emily gets a reminder to pick up after her pet that cracks her up:

  • Humorous Message: The notice is funny and light-hearted.

  • Effective Communication: The humor makes the message memorable and well-received.

>> Impact: A light-hearted approach to reminders keeps interactions positive and stress-free.

Curious how Sprout can work for your community? Get a Free Consultation.

Month 7 – Meet The Team Social Media Series

Emily enjoys the "Meet The Team" social media series. It’s not just a fun post, it also has positive outcomes:

  • Fun Facts: Each post shares fun facts about the onsite team members, which makes Emily feel like she knows her onsite team better.

  • Building Comfort: The series helps Emily feel more comfortable and familiar with the staff.

>> Impact: Personalized content makes residents feel more connected to the management team. They put faces to names they’ve probably already heard and remember the fun facts for team members.

Month 8 – Community Headshot Happy Hour

Emily attends a community headshot happy hour that she saw on the community calendar. She’s excited about this event for a few reasons:

  • Social Event: This will be a chill gathering with drinks and snacks, where Emily can mingle with other residents. Plus there is a photographer there and she gets the chance to update her headshot. Because who remembers to do that on their own? 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • Building Connections: Emily enjoys getting to know her neighbors in a relaxed setting. Plus, she’s happy to give her LinkedIn profile a refresh with her new headshot. Score for Emily personally and professionally!

>> Impact: Regular social events foster a strong sense of community and belonging. Events that create experiences foster stronger connections and forge loyal connections with the community.

Stumped coming up with resident events? Join the membership!

Month 9 – Grab-n-Go Event

Emily enjoys another grab-n-go event organized by the management team. She loved the pet-friendly one, so she’s really looking forward to this “chillax” event. She’s been working hard at the marketing agency and could use some time to relax.

  • Cute Goodie Pack: She gets a cute goodie bag with treats and small gifts. She’s loving the bath bombs included in her goodie pack. Hello, relaxing bath time!

  • Community Engagement: These events make her feel like a valued part of the community. Plus, it’s just fun to open up a goodie bag and see what’s inside.

>> Impact: Thoughtful and engaging events foster a sense of belonging.

Month 10 – Resident Appreciation Gift

Emily receives a small, unexpected gift as part of Resident Appreciation Month. She’s had a long day at work, so it couldn’t have come at a better time. She posts a picture with her appreciation on social media.

  • Personalized Gift: This thoughtful gift shows Emily that the staff pays attention to it’s residents and appreciates that they choose Green Acres Apartments as their home.

  • Thank You Note: A heartfelt note expressing gratitude to Emily for being a valued resident makes her feel extra special.

>> Impact: Acts of appreciation make Emily feel recognized and valued by the management. It’s nothing big, but it’s memorable.

Month 11 – Renewal Reminder

As her lease term nears its end, Emily receives a personalized renewal reminder.

  • Creative Renewal Notice: A fun and engaging renewal notice crafted by the staff makes the renewal process enjoyable and less stressful for Emily.

  • Incentive to Stay: A personalized renewal incentive is included, which appeals to Emily.

>> Impact: The thoughtful and creative renewal process convinces Emily to renew her lease.

Month 12 - Emily Renews!

Throughout her 12-month lease, Emily experienced so many positive touch-points delivered seamlessly by the dedicated staff at Green Acres Apartments. 

Thanks to the Sprout Resident Retention Membership, the staff can consistently provide personalized and engaging interactions that make residents like Emily feel valued and appreciated. 

Emily decides to RENEW! 🙌

These small, consistent actions lead to her decision to renew her lease, highlighting the significant impact of the $49/month membership on reducing turnover costs.

Now Close Your Eyes & Imagine a Community Full of Emilys 😍

Picture a community where every resident feels valued and appreciated. 

Now, imagine the alternative 🫣: costly turnovers, unhappy residents, and a disconnected community. 

For just $49 a month, the Sprout Resident Retention Membership equips your team to deliver impactful touchpoints that effortlessly prevent these issues. 

Considering a single apartment turnover costs $7,600, investing in this membership is an absolute no-brainer.

Without it, you risk:

  • Losing thousands on each turnover: Just one vacant unit can drain your budget and resources.

  • Dealing with dissatisfied residents: Unhappy residents lead to negative reviews and increased vacancies.

  • A fractured community: Lack of engagement results in a disconnected, transient population.

Saving just one lease renewal covers the membership cost many times over.

By using the membership, you create a thriving, satisfied resident base, significantly reduce turnover costs, and foster a vibrant, engaging community that residents love.

When you sign up for the Sprout Resident Retention Membership, you invest in your community's happiness and financial health. Start transforming your property management and boost resident retention.


Creative Resident Event Ideas To Throw This August


Review My Notes With Me: Takeaways From NAA Apartmentalize