FB Live: Big Ways To Sell A Small Floor Plan

A Sprouter reached out to us and asked us a really great question…

The question was how to make their smaller units, which were built with students in mind, more appealing to the market-rate apartment prospects. We’ll be real honest, selling smaller floor plans can be tricky. No one loves to hear a prospect say, “Oh wow, this apartment is so small.” But, when you hear that, that’s when it’s your chance to sell the lifestyle that comes with living in a smaller space. 

We live in a time where people feel overburdened by too much stuff.

It’s literally crippling. We can’t just have one TV, we have to have a TV in the living room, the bedroom, and the kitchen. We can’t just have one pair of tennis shoes, we have to have one for every season and every outfit combination. You get the picture… We’ve lived in an age where having more was the goal that now we’re looking for ways to declutter and get rid of excess. That’s why shows like Marie Kondo and Tiny Homes are so popular, because people are looking for a solution to their excess stuff. 

This mentality is why it’s important for you to sell the lifestyle of less. Make sure they know that the cozy (fancy word for small, right leasing peeps? 😉) apartment they are looking at is going to mean less upkeep for them, less clutter, less stuff, less decisions. Meaning that they now have more freedom, more time, more space, more mental energy. If that doesn’t make them change their tone, start talking money. With a smaller living space comes a smaller power bill. Asking them what they would do with an extra $1,000 a year might make them consider that small apartment their new home! 

When it comes to the marketing campaign for smaller floor plans, you want to make sure that you’re speaking to the pain points that come from the “bigger is better” mentality.

One suggestion is to use statistics to your advantage. For example, the average American now has about $38,000 in personal debt. Remember that cost saving approach I mentioned earlier? Now would be a good time to tie that back into this (scary) statistic - they could use that extra $1,000 to help pay off debt they may have. Larger spaces also mean more space to furnish, more utilities to pay, and more on housekeeping which basically means more work for them! 

Ask your prospect questions like, what would it look like to only have space for the things you love? What would it look like to pay a fraction of what you pay in utility bills? What could you pay off with that extra money? How would it feel to be able to clean your place in half the time? 

Focus on relaying the idea that smaller living means more freedom, and more time that they have to focus on themselves and the things they enjoy. If you do that, they’ll be sure to give that smaller floor plan an extra look and hopefully decide it’s for them.


Did you miss this Facebook live session with CEO Barbara Savona? You can go back and watch it here!


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